Sunday, September 28, 2008

BOOK 1- The Silence

Silence is the beginning and silence is the end - in between the two, lies all sound and noise. Before coming into being there was silence and after end of being, it is silence. Silence is the source of birth of all matter, energy and living beings and silence is the ultimate destination of all things, energy and living beings. All life forms come into being out of pure silence and vanish into pure silence.
It is so easy to be noisy (make noise and live in noise) and so difficult to be in a state of silence. Mere 'not speaking and not listening' is not in itself state of silence. Mere absence of sound and noise is not silence. Loneliness is also not silence. Silence is a natural state of being while loneliness is man's perception created by man made circumstances. Loneliness is a negative state of being while silence is a positive state of being. Loneliness weakens man while silence strengthens him. Loneliness is forced upon a man by social, family or other external circumstances while silence originates from within the man's heart and mind.

Silence is a loving inner peace and lies deep within the depth of heart. It has always been there. It is always here. It is right here within you and all around you, stillness, an apparent void, a seeming nothingness out of which everything arises, exists, and eventually returns.

When you are in a state of silence, t
here are no words, just an echo of primordial sound ( "OUM" ) and you and the silence within. There is nothing more than this and nothing less than this. This is the truth. This is the source from where everything comes into being and then returns. All existence, everything that is, all matter and energy, all thought is contained in this silence.

This pure silence is what some have called Truth, Infinity, Reality, Enlightenment, Nothingness, God, Holy Spirit, True Self, Love and Consciousness.

This silence is a mystery beyond mind, beyond what the human brain can fully comprehend. Like a beautiful diamond, we can only see a few facets at a time. This mystery is seemingly far beyond our capacity to understand, to know. And yet this is contained within our very selves, and this contains us as well.

The greatest wonder of this is that you and I, above all other life forms on this planet are able to be consciously aware of this reality.

You are aware of this, though perhaps you have not experienced this yet. Perhaps you have not realized this. This awareness of ours, this consciousness of being, is the silence itself.

This silence permeates everything and is the cause of everything.

All that you need, all that you seek, all that you hope and long for is contained in this silence.

This is the way everything is in reality exist. All forms, all matter, all energy, all thoughts grow and then disappear.

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